To help explain the process hypnotherapy a little better, I really like sharing the “tree metaphor.” We are like branches on a tree. The cycle our conscious mind goes through each year is like a leaf. Similarly, the conscious mind analyzes and reacts to it’s environment while the subconscious mind / the "branch" is more stable and retains what the leaf has gathered.
The more you analyze the information that comes to mind during a session, the more you speak from your conscious mind because that is the job of the conscious mind, to analyze. The more you relax and trust yourself to speak what is coming to mind, the deeper into the branch, into the tree of your being you go, the more your subconscious mind naturally blends into what you say and the more information about your current life and other “branches” you have access to.
The point in the tree where you speak from dynamically changes throughout your normal day. However, in a hypnotherapy session, we deliberately practice relaxing the mind and reaching towards the trunk of your being. Everytime you practice you continue to build that pathway to your subconscious mind and you go even deeper each time.