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Hypnotherapy is a practice that helps information flow from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind. Essentially, after entering a relaxed state, you speak the first things that come to mind with the guidance of a hypnotherapist.


Through the work of people like Dolores Cannon and Dr. Brian Weiss, it was discovered that in some cases, people go as far back as recounting information from another life, sometimes speak from that space in between lives, sometimes speak from their inner essence or sometimes even “channel” another familiar being.


Hypnotherapy is very helpful for so many things like becoming more in tune with your Inner Being and your Life’s Purpose, releasing tensions or trauma that might be tangled in your subconscious, or even tapping into your creative potential.


Dr. Sarno and Dr. Mann among many others have demonstrated that some illnesses are “psychosomatic” and originate from the mind. Also some famous people like L/L Research, Edgar Cayce, David Wilcock, Jane Roberts, Esther HicksHelen Schucman and many others have shown there is amazing wisdom in information gleaned from the subconscious that can also be very practical and life changing.


Hypnotherapy is a practice. There are many things that can be done to deepen the hypnotherapy state and there are also some safe guards that need to be put in place to create a positive and safe environment. Please browse through the buttons at the top to learn more about the different aspects of hypnotherapy. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me anytime by clicking on the contact button at the top of this page.





I am QHHT certified and received my training in hypnotherapy from Dolores Cannon in 2011. I graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.S. in Bioengineering with an emphasis in nano-manufacturing. I am passionate about dreams, meditation, hypnotherapy and channeling and enjoy continuing to study and practice in these realms. I’ve had several spiritual experiences through my practice which have deeply inspired me. Please feel free to browse around my website and get to know me a little better!

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