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The core of the hypnotherapy structure I follow is Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). I’ve also incorporated other things I’ve learned along the way about meditation, hypnosis and channeling. The first hypnotherapy session is usually about three hours long which includes the introduction, session and debrief afterwards. Subsequent sessions are usually about a couple of hours. Here’s a brief overview of what we do in a hypnotherapy session.


First we talk about any remaining questions you or your friend may have about hypnotherapy. We go over the information from your homework. If you have life questions you’d like a little bit more clarity on, I review these questions only to make sure I understand them.


Since I’m more spiritually focused, I also usually like doing a small “intention setting” / “prayer” / “ceremony” to open up the space and establish an “energetic” protection, whatever is most in alignment with your beliefs.


Then I do a guided meditation to help you enter into a more relaxed state. I welcome you to describe what comes to mind and guide you from one scene to the next. Towards the end we might visit the space between lives and might also call directly upon your subconscious.


Then I close the space “energetically,” returning all beings and energies we have worked with back to their appropriate place in time and space. And gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment.


Finally, we do a “debrief” and go over the session in general.


It’s amazing how sometimes the information you receive is meant for you to understand at a later time. So not everything has to make sense the day you do the session. The subconscious has a different way of flowing through time. If you’d like, I can make an mp3 recording of your session and at the end copy it to your computer or USB flash drive if you bring one, or I can email you a secure link to the recording for you to download at a later time.

Copyright Felipe Cervantes :)

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