This morning I dreamt my mom, brother and I dropped by a jewelry store. While my mom was looking around, one of my favorite comedians Gabriel Iglesias “Fluffy” was also waiting. I was so excited and started a conversation with him.
He was so down to earth. He has kids so I said I found it so strange that people generally go through an adrenaline phase. We talk back and forth about that.
Mom was talking to a friend she made then shows me a beautiful golden crown sparkling all over with jewels and goes to checkout.
Wrapping up our conversation I tell Gabriel that I also have strange dreams. 😂 Like that one time I dreamt I did three things and that following day by the evening I realized I had done the three things from my dream in real life! See dream "Running Late." Totally tripped me out when it happened.
I give him a big hug. And as we were about to leave Gabriel asks us if we want to join him for dinner! God bless that man! 😍🤗🤗🤗😇
SYNCHRONICITY: My mom just told me a couple hours ago that in the daily bible study audio clip she did yesterday, she worked on a verse that dealt with a crown and she listened to that audio clip again today just a little bit ago.