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Dream: Drawings Come to Life

I had a sketch book... and sometimes what I would draw would come to life... It didn't work all the time. I was trying to get the hang of it. This one time I drew a landscape of a large lake and mountains in the background. Nothing was happening so eventually I thought "Oh maybe if I draw something small, it'll be easier for it to come to life." So I drew tiny little dolphins jumping out of the water. šŸ¬šŸ¬šŸ¬šŸ’¦

Then we were there. In a high altitude landscape, next to a lake. Snow all around but the lake wasn't frozen over. We kept walking. Then somehow I was in the rear seat of a car. We were driving around and past Las Vegas, on the outskirts. It felt very desert like. The roads were dirt, the houses plain and flat. We drove over a small bridge that went over a small canal. I think it was dry.

We were going to stop for the night at the "Pyramid Hotel" that was in the next town. We had been there before. šŸŒ„ We liked it there. My friend was giving me ideas on how to get the sketch book to work.

We get there and I think of four different types of spirit individuals I want to get in touch with. I open my sketch book but they're not there. The page is just blank. I turn the page and there's a nice sketch of all four of them! All smiling, still, and as if looking at me. I was so happy the sketch book was working! I felt that somehow, I was able to communicate with other beings through this sketch book...

Copyright Felipe Cervantes :)

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