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L/L Research on Crystals

I was so motivated today to research what the L/L Research channelings said about crystals. Here are some of the cool takeaways I got šŸ˜

  • Diamonds and rubies are the easiest crystals for directing or misdirecting energy.

  • Intention and visualization is what makes crystals work.

  • How to use crystals as meditative aids.

  • Charging water through visualization.

  • Pyramid shaped quartz crystals are even more powerful. Limit exposure to 20 / 30 minutes.

  • To ā€œchargeā€ a crystal, enter into a loving meditative state then place your intention on it.

  • Chakras are energetic crystals

Experiments I look forward to trying šŸ˜

  • Laying in bed, placing a quartz crystal over my heart chakra and entering a positive meditative state.

  • Filling a jar with water, placing a pyramid shaped quartz crystal inside, putting a lid on it and placing it on my shrine with the intention of generating a loving field.


I added my rough interpretations of the quotes in bold. I'm open to your insights as well. Message me by tapping on the contact link at the top! ā¤ļø

LO 58.18 The intention / visualizations of the energy worker is what makes crystals work.

Questioner: Then the pure crystalline shape, such as the diamond, you mentioned as being frozen lightā€” it seems that this third-density physical manifestation of light is somehow a window or focusing mechanism for the third distortion in the general sense. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct. However, it may be noted that only the will of the crystallized entity may cause interdimensional light to flow through this material. The more regularized the entity, and the more regularized the crystal, the more profound the effect.

LO 2.3 Different crystal types are better for certain applications, though diamonds and rubies can be used for mostly anything.

Ra: I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it. There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body; there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind; there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body. All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels. Without the relative crystallization of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged. The other ingredient is a proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.

To go through the various crystals to be used would be exhaustive to this instrument, although you may ask us if you wish in another session. The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One in almost any application.

This, of course, takes initiation, and there have never been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.

LL 10/07/2001 Hold crystal in your hand, generate a loving feeling, visualize sending light through the crystal to the entity being worked on.

Carla: That was very interesting. It seems like it is similar to the personal balancing technique but for the planet. I guess another question that comes to my mind is one that I was talking to C about because she and S have a great number of crystals. I had imagined them sorted into colors and used like a mosaic to create a glyph, some kind of shape that would help to intensify the self as a crystal and become a larger crystal and do better light work. I had thought of the Star of David with a cross inside of it or some such symbol that had a lot of energy to it that would be helpful. What do you think of this idea to use crystals or water as a kind of accelerator to help?

Qā€™uo: I am Qā€™uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The use of the crystals for enhancing the meditative practice of sending love and light where it is needed is a practice which, indeed, can be most efficacious. However, there is some skill in the use of such accoutrement for the purpose of healing. It would be our recommendation that one or more crystals be chosen for their specific feeling or vibratory nature. There are many kinds of crystals which are each unique in their qualities of being able to enhance the imaging of light. For, indeed, the crystals themselves are often referred to as frozen light. To use a great number of crystals for such an endeavor would be, in our opinion, counterproductive, for this quality of uniqueness that each possesses would work against the unified acceleration or intensification of the light which is being sent as a healing device.

We would recommend that the crystals be examined for the appropriate feeling-tones, shall we say, and those possibilities for utilization be used one after the other separately in order that the most efficacious crystal be finally chosen and used in a manner which may be likened to a resonance chamber. The crystal may be held in the hand while the meditation is undertaken. The inner visualization would need to see the crystal and the heart and the third eye working in harmony in a synchronized fashion, the thought of the need for healing being held foremost in the mind. Then the crystal may be imaged as being the medium through which the thought would be sent. And the visualization of the recipient of this light, whether it be a planet, a country, or a person, would then be seen to be bathed in this light. Thus the thought or the image would be sent forth and enhanced by the use of the crystal in this fashion.

LO 57.6 Do a chakra clearing visualization, generate a loving feeling (green-ray center), visualize beaming loving energy through the crystal to the entity being worked on.

Questioner: Would you tell me how to use that crystal for this purpose?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a large question.

You first, as a mind/body/spirit complex, balance and polarize the self, connecting the inner light with the upward spiraling inpourings of the universal light. You have done exercises to regularize the processes involved. Look to them for the preparation of the crystallized being.

Take, then, the crystal and feel your polarized and potentiated balanced energy channeled in green-ray healing through your being, going into and activating the crystalline regularity of frozen light which is the crystal. The crystal will resound with the charged light of incarnative love and light energy, and will begin to radiate in specified fashion, beaming, in required light vibrations, healing energy, focused and intensified towards the magnetic field of the mind/body/spirit complex which is to be healed. This entity requesting such healing will then open the armor of the overall violet/red-ray protective vibratory shield. Thus the inner vibratory fields, from center to center in mind, body, and spirit, may be interrupted and adjusted momentarily, thus offering the one to be healed the opportunity to choose a less distorted inner complex of energy fields and vibratory relationships.

LO 57.7 Use a necklace to place crystal on your heart chakra. The crystal amplifies the healing thoughts you send the person being worked on.

Questioner: Should the crystal be held in the right hand of the healer?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. There are two recommended configurations.

The first, the chain about the neck to place the crystal in the physical position of the green-ray energy center. Second, the chain hung from the right hand, out-stretched, wound about the hand in such a way that the crystal may be swung so as to effect sensitive adjustments.

We offer this information realizing that much practice is needed to efficiently use these energies of self. However, each has the capability of doing so, and this information is not information which, if followed accurately, can be deleterious.

LO 58.3 Beginners encouraged not to start with diamonds and rubies. Crystals influence our energy centers.

Questioner: We have tried healing with the diamond crystal. I have tried both using the crystal around my neck and dangling it from a chain under my right hand. I think that possibly that to do the best work on the wrist I should dangle the crystal just below my right hand from a distance of just a centimeter or two, holding it directly above the wrist. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This would be appropriate if you were practiced at your healing art. To work with a powerful crystal such as you have, while unable to perceive the magnetic flux of the subtle bodies, is perhaps the same as recommending that the beginner, with saw and nail, create the Vatican.

There is great art in the use of the swung crystal. At this point in your development, you would do well to work with the unpowerful crystals in ascertaining, not only the physical major energy centers, but also the physical secondary and tertiary energy centers and then begin to find the corresponding subtle body energy centers. In this way, you may activate your own inner vision.

LO 58.4-6 The rotation of a pendulum with a weight other than a crystal over a chakra helps indicate whether the chakra is blocked or not. Using a crystal as the weight manipulates the energy of that chakra.

Questioner: What type of crystal should be used for that?

Ra: I am Ra. You may use any dangling weight of symmetrical form, for your purpose is not to disturb or manipulate these energy centers but merely to locate them and become aware of what they feel like when in a balanced state and when in an unbalanced or blocked state.

58.5 Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that what I would do would be to dangle a weight approximately two feet below my hand and place it over the body, and when the weight started moving in a clockwise rotational direction it would indicate an unblocked energy center? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The measurement from hand to weight is unimportant and at your discretion. The circular motion shows an unblocked energy center. However, some entities are polarized the reverse of others and, therefore, it is well to test the form of normal energy spirals before beginning the procedure.

58.6 Questioner: How would you test?

Ra: I am Ra. A test is done by first holding the weight over your own hand and observing your particular configuration. Then using the other-selfā€™s hand, repeat the procedure.

LO 57.8 A balanced entity is critical for doing healing work.

57.8 Questioner: Would an unflawed crystal be considerably more effective than the flawed one that we now have?

Ra: I am Ra. Without attempting to deem the priorities you may choose, we may note that the regularized or crystallized entity, in its configuration, is as critical as the perfection of the crystal used.

LO 57.9 Water can also be used as a crystal.

Questioner: Does the size, physical size of the crystal have any relationship to the effectiveness in the healing?

Ra: I am Ra. In some applications concerning planetary healing, this is a consideration. In working with an individual mind/body/spirit complex, the only requirement is that the crystal be in harmony with the crystallized being. There is perhaps a lower limit to the size of what you may call a faceted crystal, for light coming through this crystal needs to be spread the complete width of the spectrum of the one to be healed. It may further be noted that water is a type of crystal which is efficacious also although not as easy to hang from a chain in your density.

LO 1.13 Charging water through visualization.

The charging of the water is done by those present placing their hands over the glass and visualizing the power of love entering the water. This will charge that very effective medium with those vibrations.

LO 66.15 The energy worker is not the one doing the healing. They help create a space were it is easier for the person being worked on to connect to Source.

Questioner: Is this desire and will that operates through to the time/space section a function only of the entity who is healed or is it also the function of the healer, the crystallized healer?

Ra: I am Ra. May we take this opportunity to say that this is the activity of the Creator. To specifically answer your query the crystallized healer has no will. It offers an opportunity without attachment to the outcome, for it is aware that all is one and that the Creator is knowing Itself.

LL 05/13/1987 Using double terminated quartz to aid in energy flow during meditation when placed on top of the head or on the palm of the hand.

W: What is the significance of the double terminated quartz?

Quanta: I am Quanta, and we again may speak in a general fashion with the qualification given that each particular crystal may be used in a variety of fashions by any seeker and may be used in an even greater variety of fashions by various seekers. There are certain functions which each crystal more easily fulfills than would another, and as we look at the quartz crystal which has the double terminix, as you have called it, we see the general quality of enhancing the meditative state when placed in a certain ratio position by the seeker, this varying from the placement directly above the crown chakra to the position of being held in the palm of the hand which rests upon the lap. The use in this instance being to allow a clearer movement of intelligent energy through the entire system of energy centers or chakras, first focusing upon the ingress of intelligent energy, then upon its outflow.

LL 02/28/2009 Crystals can store thoughts and emanate a healing field.

The energy body of each of you is of a crystalline nature. It is sensitive in the extreme and it is easily moved by the light which has been configured through other crystals. As the energy body is developed through the course of an incarnation, where the energy body is strong it forms sometimes quite complex crystals that are of surpassing beauty.

The energy that moves through crystals such as quartz is light energy and, just like your energy body, the crystalline body of the quartz receives light and transduces it in certain ways and sends it out as a function of its being, not as an activity but as its essence.

While it is clear from its effects that a crystal is active, it is not conscious in the way that you are conscious. It receives and sends light according to its nature. When a crystal and a human being have interacted over a period of time, a crystal can become that which holds life, not of itself but as a thought form which is the gift of the consciousness of the human. And in that sense a crystal can become highly individuated. However, of its own nature it is as it is, whereas the energy body of the human is in constant flux.

The light sent forth in its regular configuration by a quartz crystal, then, moves into the field of the energy body and has certain healing characteristics which interact in a complementary and helpful way with those energies of the energy body which have become somewhat disorganized or weakened by virtue of there being a narrowing of the flow of the light/love of the infinite Creator through the energy body. Consequently, the crystal has a tendency to be a healing stone, as experienced by the person.

LL 02/28/2009 Quartz crystals can help deepen the meditative state. Different crystals generate different effects in people; get to know how you feel around each particular crystal. Pyramid shaped quartz crystals are even more powerful. Limit exposure to 20 / 30 minutes.

D: Yes. Is there any detrimental effect that could happen if a quartz crystal is used for meditation very often?

Qā€™uo: We are those of Qā€™uo, and are aware of your query, my brother.Ā 

In general the tendency of the use of the crystal for meditation is positive. We would make two conditions upon that totally positive effect. The first is that energy bodies, just as people in their physical form, vary tremendously. What is meat and drink to one energy body will be poison to another. Consequently, there is no way to generalize when speaking of the use of crystals.

The proximity of the crystal to the person and the duration of that time in which the crystal and the person are in close connection vary in terms of the optimal use from person to person. Consequently, we would encourage each who uses crystals to be fully aware of the effects of that crystal and to monitor the self to be sure that there is not an overdose, shall we say, of proximity or longevity of connection to the crystal.

As an example we would offer this instrument. This instrument may tolerate a generally offered crystal such as the one in this particular room, which the one known as G and the one known as L gave to L/L Research, with no ill effects whatsoever. However, when this instrument received a so-called healing tree which was made of quartz, this instrument found it impossible to sleep in proximity to this crystal in spite of the fact that it was much smaller than the crystal in the living room offered for general use. The intention of the healing crystal was such that it was not easily tolerated by this entity and to this day it remains at a safe distance from this entityā€™s sleeping quarters.

Do not assume that a crystal shall be helpful or unhelpful, but rather experiment with it and build your intelligence with personal experience.

The other consideration which might limit the usefulness of a quartz crystal in meditation is its shape. Often such crystals are crafted into pyramids, and when crystals are in this particular shape they are more powerful because of the geometry of the energy field created by the shape. Such changes to the crystal create a more powerful crystal. At the same time that power can become toxic if kept within the energy field over what in your time would be 20 to 30 minutes.

LL 02/14/1988 Salt energetically adsorptive. Still water can behave as a crystal. Distilled water might be best. Maybe putting a pyramid shaped quartz crystal in a closed glass container in a still place might create a healing fieldā€¦

Carla: Well, let me jump in and follow up something he asked. In that case, would water, purified water, perhaps be the best crystal of all, with possibly the addition of pure salt to form a house to house the disease that wishes to be taken away? It would certainly be cheaper than perfect gems.

Qā€™uo: I am Qā€™uo. It is true that the water is a crystal of potential in the healing process, as is that which you call the salt. The salt, however works in an [adsorptive] fashion, whereas the crystal, be it the gem or the water, works in a fashion which amplifies the healing love/light. The use of the water as an aid in the healing process is somewhat more difficult to construct, for the purity and quantity and relative motionlessness of the water would necessitate considerable effort upon the healerā€™s part within your third-density illusion. This effort is greatly [inaudible] by the use of the [inaudible], however it is well known by many that the simple immersion of the physical vehicle within the heated water and indeed in the swirling waters is of aid when general relaxation and removal of muscular tension is desired.

LL 11/21/1999 To ā€œchargeā€ a crystal, enter into a loving meditative state then place your intention on it. A crystal amplifies the intention placed on it.

The general principle of the use of the crystal is that there is a geometrical and arithmetic relationship of various angles and sides and nature of the crystal itself which lends itself to certain kinds of uses depending upon the ability of the entity which utilizes the crystal to regularize and harmonize its own being, its own personality, with the crystal being used. Thus, the charging of any crystal is done by the focus of the intention within the heart and mind while in the meditative state upon the crystal which is held in various positions ranging from the lower to the higher chakras. This done over a period of time then creates a harmonic resonance, shall we say, between the entity and the crystal so that the crystal acts as that which magnifies the intentions of the entity using it. As we mentioned previously, the specific use to which the crystal is put is determined by the nature of the crystal, its size and its purity. The nature of the entity utilizing the crystal is as important if not more so than the nature and purity of the crystal used.

LL 06/08/1986 Chakras are energetic crystals. Diamonds and rubies are the easiest crystals for directing or misdirecting energy. Perhaps artificial diamonds might work also since they have the same physical composition / crystal lattice structureā€¦

The crystalline structures within your creation are many. Some crystals have properties in time/space, others in space/time, others in both. For example, galaxies, stars and planets have a time/space crystalline structure. Your own planet has such a structure. You yourselves are time/space crystalline structures. Those among you who learn to heal are manifesting in space/time that crystalline structure which is the essence of regularized light.ā€¦The mechanical structure of space/time crystals is a good tool also, though not as efficacious as the crystalline being, for healing both physical and subtle or etheric. The use of crystals is an art rather than a science, because each entity using the same crystal will mesh its points of crystalline energy with the points of energy of the crystal itself in an unique fashion. Thus, one healerā€™s crystal may work well for it, while being inefficacious for another. However, the more highly evolved crystals such as the ruby and the diamond are powerful enough that very nearly any somewhat crystallized being may efficaciously use the ruby and diamond for the healing techniques.

It is to be noted in this regard, that it is well to work, if one desires this service of healing by crystals, with the lesser crystals first in order that oneā€™s technique is able to keep pace with oneā€™s power, for there is a great deal of power in the more articulated crystals, and it is well not to experiment with the more powerful ones before having become sensitized to energy instreaming by using lesser structures.

The most powerful crystalline structure may be perceived to be the self. As we have noted, the nature of each self is consciousness or being which is co-eternal, shall we say, with love itself. Each of you was created before your planet was created and shall be a being after the planet has become uninhabitable for third density. Thus, the great tool of light, the one we recommend to you, is the conscious use of the unconscious and almost always sleeping powers of the crystalline self.


L: I have one more quick one for the sake of curiosity. In your discussion, you selected specifically diamonds and rubies as crystals that were specifically more effective. Is there a specific area of use that you would attribute to each of these two crystals? And if so, what are they?

Yom: I am Yom. These crystals were selected because of their purity of structure and what is seen in your illusion as the analog to this purity which is the hardness, shall we say, the sureness with which the structure is made, thus they lend themselves well to the general uses which one who is beginning in the study of crystals might begin with. The diamond and the ruby, then, would offer to the beginning student the greater ability to realize effects within the preliminary diagnosis of dysfunction and the basic treatment of such.

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