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Pyramid Land



Welcome to Pyramid Land! Where mind meets matter. For dimension formulas, scroll half-way down this page! This page was last updated on: Dec 10, 2024 :)


Great Pyramid at Giza
Golden Ratio Pyramid
Russian Pyramid
Law of One Pyramid

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If you cut lots of paper, checkout these rotary paper trimmers. :)

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In the very least, they're wonderful pieces of art. They help infuse your spaces with a sense of wonder. ^_^ If you're into the metaphysics woowoo stuff (hold onto your foil hats), they help funnel healthy energy into our environment. Our Russian scientist buddies describe 8 sets of experiments they made in microbiology, material science and crude oil production among others in their "Unusual Effects Induced..." section on their website over here: :) But hey! Don't take my word for it. Experience pyramid power yourself by trying out one of the "Energy Games" below. ={D


According to the Law of One (58.15 & 56.3) and Dewey Larson physics, the universe has complementary space-time and time-space realities. Our bodies live in space-time. Our thoughts, dreams and chakras live in time-space. Physical pyramids here in space-time work like funnels in time-space. These funnels help swirl "light" energy from time-space into our space-time in much the same way water drains from your bathtub when you unplug the drain.


We like to "charge" our water at home by placing our standard one gallon glass water jugs under the pyramids. :) Apparently* it takes about 4 days to completely charge the water.* We're not sure how long the charge lasts so we just keep our jugs under the pyramids at all times. ​We like to charge four jugs of water at a time in our 28" tall Golden Ratio pyramid frame and we use 20" tall Golden Ratio frame pyramids as charging "satellites." This way we always have a constant supply of pyramid water. ^_^


On a side note, we personally prefer distilled water because distilling water is a great way to remove fluoride, heavy metals and other impurities as well as increase the water's oxygen content. It also removes all minerals from the water so we also take a mineral supplement everyday. Save yourself some bucks, get yourself a distiller and stop paying for bottled water! Megahome is the industry standard. Just make sure you get one with a glass container. It takes about 4 hours to distill 1 gallon of water but refilling is easy. If you want to automate the process a little more, checkout Durastill Water Distillers. They have 8 gallon water distillers starting at $829 shipped and even a 42 gallon water distiller for your whole house!

#1 Place one of these small pyramids on your head and just sit still for a few minutes. You may feel a tingling, spinning or rotating sensation in your head. You might also feel a little light headed. ={D

#2 Place one of these pyramids under your seat or under your bed. Rest on your seat / bed for 10 to 30 minutes. You may feel a tingling sensation on your bottoms or somewhere on your body. See CAUTIONS below!

#3 Hold one of these pyramids so that the tip of the pyramid is pointing towards your forehead. Do this for 10 to 30 minutes. You may feel tingling sensations on your forehead. See CAUTIONS below! Apparently, a pyramid's energy vortex gets stronger with age. If you don't feel anything at first, let your pyramid "mature" for four days and try again! :)

The Law of One Recommends aligning pyramids to magnetic North for greatest quantity of energy or to 20 degrees East of North for greatest quality of energy (59.23, more information here).

The Law of one also recommends not to use metals (
57.19, 58.14 & 66.24). The Russian webpage states, "The metallic members in the construction and foundation are absent." Also reference the GUIDES section below.

In terms of etheric funneling energy capability, there is no difference between a solid walled pyramid or a pyramid made with just four sticks coming to a point. However, if someone is to meditate inside of the pyramid, the Law of One does recommend a solid walled pyramid because it would help block distractions (58.13 & 58.16).


According to the Law of One, you run the risk of "over energizing" on pyramid energy when the pyramid is under you or pointing towards you for more than 30 minutes. This can lead to headaches and other types of discomfort. So please be mindful if you're in a multi-story dwelling or placing them under your resting places. Reference Law of One quotes 57.13, 57.20, 59.16, 66.22 & 66.27.


On the other hand, you can be around a pyramid for an indefinite amount of time. You can also be within a pyramid for an indefinite amount of time as long as the pyramid is not too wide such as those with the Pyramid of Giza dimensions. This is because pyramids with a slope angle less than 55 degrees (the Great Pyramid of Giza which has a slope angle of approximately 51.85 degrees) create what is called the "King's Chamber Effect."


"It is to be noted that these shapes are dangerous. We are quite pleased to have the opportunity to enlarge upon the subject of shapes such as the pyramid for we wish, as part of our honor/duty, to state that there are many wrong uses for these curved shapes; for with improper placement, improper intentions, or lack of the crystallized being functioning as channel for healing, the sensitive entity will be distorted more rather than less in some cases." -Law of One session 56.3

Also reference the Law of One quotes quotes 57.17 & 57.32 for more information.


Overall, sitting for an indefinite amount of time under "narrower" pyramids which have a slope angle greater than 55 degrees is ok, like the Golden Ratio or Law of One pyramids, because these do not create the "King's Chamber Effect." Personally, I feel the Golden Ratio pyramid to be the most "comfortable" one to meditate under.

Welcome to DIYselfer heaven. ^_^ Here's the math behind the Great Pyramid at Giza, Golden Ratio, Russian & Law of One pyramids!

p = height of the pyramid

w = length of the base of the pyramid

h = height of the face of the pyramid
e = long edge

θ = pyramid face slope angle
α = long edge slope angle

You can derive all of the formulas below by starting with these general formulas:
tan θ = p/(w/2) sin θ = p/h cos θ = (w/2)/h
tan α = p/((w/2)*sqrt(2)) sin α = p/e cos α = ((w/2)*sqrt(2))/e

template pyramid variables 2016-07-13 2.png

GREAT PYRAMID AT GIZA (θ ≈ 51.853974°)
Given: w/p = pi/2. Reference the "Inerton Waves of the Earth" section at


tan θ = p / (w/2)

θ = atan( p / (w/2) ) = atan( w*(2/pi) / (w/2) ) = atan(4/pi) ≈ 51.853974°

h = p/sin(atan(4/pi)) ≈ p*1.271554

p = h*sin(atan(4/pi)) ≈ h*0.786439

h = w/(2*cos(atan(4/pi))) ≈ w*0.809497

w = h*2*cos(atan(4/pi)) ≈ h*1.235336

w = p*(pi/2) ≈ p*1.570796

p = w*(2/pi) ≈ w*0.636620
h = e*sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(4/pi))))) ≈ e*0.850790
e = h/sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(4/pi))))) ≈ h*1.175378
p = e*sin(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2))) ≈ e*0.669095
e = p/sin(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2))) ≈ p*1.494557
w = e*2*cos(atan(4/(pi*sqrt(2))))/sqrt(2) ≈ e*1.051011

e = w/(2*cos(atan(4/(pi*sqrt(2))))/sqrt(2)) ≈ w*0.951465

GOLDEN RATIO PYRAMID (θ ≈ 72.827962°)
Given: w = 1 and p = φ = (1+sqrt(5))/2. See for golden ratio derivation.


tan θ = p/(w/2)= φ/(1/2)

θ = atan(φ/(1/2)) = atan( ((1+sqrt(5))/2) / (1/2)) = atan(1+sqrt(5)) ≈ 72.827962°

h = p/sin(atan(1+sqrt(5))) ≈ p*1.046657

p = h*sin(atan(1+sqrt(5))) ≈ h*0.955423

h = w/(2*cos(atan(1+sqrt(5)))) ≈ w*1.693527

w = h*2*cos(atan(1+sqrt(5))) ≈ h*0.590484

w = p*2/(1+sqrt(5)) ≈ p*0.618034

p = w/(2/(1+sqrt(5))) ≈ w*1.618034
h = e*sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(1+sqrt(5)))))) ≈ e*0.959073
e = h/sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(1+sqrt(5)))))) ≈ h*1.042673
p = e*sin(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2))) ≈ e*0.916320
e = p/sin(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2))) ≈ p*1.091322
w = e*2*cos(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2)))/sqrt(2) ≈ e*0.566317
e = w/(2*cos(atan((1+sqrt(5))/sqrt(2)))/sqrt(2)) ≈ w*1.765796


RUSSIAN PYRAMID (θ ≈ 76.097313°)
Given: p/w = 2.02. Reference the "Unusual Effects Induced By Models Of The Pyramid" section at


tan θ = p / (w/2) = (2.02w) / (w/2) = 4.04

θ = atan(4.04) ≈ 76.097313°


h = p/sin(atan(4.04)) ≈ p*1.030179

p = h*sin(atan(4.04)) ≈ h*0.970705

h = w/(2*cos(atan(4.04))) ≈ w*2.080961

w = h*2*cos(atan(4.04)) ≈ h*0.480547

w = p/2.02 ≈ p*0.495050

p = w*2.02 ≈ w*2.02
h = e*sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(4.04))))) ≈ e*0.972327
e = h/sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(4.04))))) ≈ h*1.028461
p = e*sin(atan(4.04/sqrt(2))) ≈ e*0.943843
e = p/sin(atan(4.04/sqrt(2))) ≈ p*1.059498
w = e*2*cos(atan(4.04/sqrt(2)))/sqrt(2) ≈ e*0.467249
e = w/(2*cos(atan(4.04/sqrt(2)))/sqrt(2)) ≈ w*2.140187

LAW OF ONE PYRAMID (θ ≈ 81.749613°)
Given: 4w = 1.16p. According to the Law of One 57.21 to 57.23.


tan θ = p / (w/2) = (4w/1.16) / (w/2) = (8/1.16)

θ = atan(8/1.16) = 81.749613°


h = p/sin(atan(8/1.16)) ≈ p*1.010458

p = h*sin(atan(8/1.16)) ≈ h*0.989650

h = w/(2*cos(atan(8/1.16))) ≈ w*3.484337

w = h*2*cos(atan(8/1.16)) ≈ h*0.286999

w = p/(4/1.16) ≈ p*0.29

p = w*(4/1.16) ≈ w*3.448276
h = e*sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(8/1.16))))) ≈ e*0.989860
e = h/sin(atan(1/(cos(atan(8/1.16))))) ≈ h*1.010244
p = e*sin(atan(8/(1.16*sqrt(2)))) ≈ e*0.979616
e = p/sin(atan(8/(1.16*sqrt(2)))) ≈ p*1.020809
w = e*2*cos(atan(8/(1.16*sqrt(2))))/sqrt(2) ≈ e*0.284089
e = w/(2*cos(atan(8/(1.16*sqrt(2))))/sqrt(2)) ≈ w*3.520029


This page will turn your inch or feet decimals into inch fractions. For example, if you're working in feet, enter "9.554226ft" without quotes on the space provided in the following page AND make sure to add the "ft" at the end. If you're working in inches, enter "9.554226in" WITH the "in" at the end.

convert imperial decimals to feet inches fractions.jpg

Here are a few grains of salt from our guides. This is information that came through during some of our hypnotherapy "channelings" in 2016. I don't have any other source to back up these claims. :)


Charging water: Apparently it takes 4 days to charge water that is within a pyramid. Water that is used for ceremonial purposes may be charged for one lunar cycle. Having separate pyramids with different colors to charge waters for different purposes is a good idea. We're not sure how long the charge lasts once the water is removed from the pyramid so we keep our water dispenser inside a pyramid at all times.

Dating Pyramids: Pyramids get stronger with age because their vortexes get stronger. It's a good idea to write on them the date they where built. It's ok to have new pyramids under 4ft tall on a floor below where you sleep because their effect on you will be minimal. However, as they get older you do eventually want to relocate them away from places that will have people stationary above them.

Metals: Our guides also advised us against using metals to build the pyramid frames. They stated that most metals don't allow the energy to flow and instead absorb energy to the point that after a while, the life energy of anything placed inside a metallic pyramid would be "short circuited." When we asked what metals would be appropriate they stated that gold, silver and platinum are metals that do allow the energy to flow. This is why I prefer jewelry and crystal wire wraps made with these metals too. Corey Goode has also mentioned of pyramids made with aluminum glass which is aluminum that is molecularly arranged so that it becomes transparent.

No cracks: Make sure to cover all the pyramid "cracks" along the long edge of the pyramid because energy leaks through these places. When using tape, make sure to tape the entire long edge of the pyramids together so that the tape ends up on the outside of the pyramid. This guarantees the entire length of each long edge is sealed. When using thick materials (like foam boards, plastic boards, plywood, etc), make sure you 1) join the faces perfectly together (cut them at an angle), 2) fill in the long edge with some kind of material (like caulk), OR 3) cut the faces with flaps (when using plastic boards for example) and glue the flap from one face to the non-flap edge of the next face. Overall, you want solid long edges. Remember... the edges are the most important things! Reference the "Solid Wall vs Frame Only" section above.


Amplifier?: We were curious about putting paper pyramids in our attic. Our guides recommended to lay them out in 5 concentric circles, that 7 was a magical number (7 pyramids per circle?), and that if we somehow attach the apexes to each other (like a loop made out of straws, tubing or string), the energy will swirl up each pyramid and then swirl from one apex to another.


Visualization: We did a small meditation and envisioned an energetic Russian pyramid big enough to envelop our whole house lot. Our guides mentioned that that was a good thing to do and that they would continue working on this pyramid on the other side (time-space?).


David Wilcock Wisdom Teachings Season 12

Feel free to message me anytime if you have any comments / questions / suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you!


​God speed! ={D

#diy #lawofone #magic.

Copyright Felipe Cervantes :)

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