(Note: This is from a hypnotherapy channeling from 2016. As with any channeled material, please take the following as a grain of salt and use your discernment when assessing this material. If something rings true for you, wonderful. If any word or concept does not resonate with you at this time, please leave it behind and use only that which has meaning for you now.)
…what else do you recommend that we do in order to help purify this place going forward?
place some crystals in some water…
put it under the full moon…
make enough water to wash the walls inside the house…
wash all the items that people may touch often…
wash it with this water…
that has been soaking under this moon with crystals placed inside…
you do not need any soap… just the water…
you may heat it afterwards…
after it been charged with the moon and the crystals in order to help get the filth off the house.
once this is done… ahhh… we can breathe easier…
ok… so the picture I received was that, when it’s a full moon, we’ll set some crystals outside in the backyard, let them soak in the moonlight, with enough water to be able to wipe all the walls and ceilings of this house, is that correct?
yes... just a quick… wipe.
(Thank you _____ 💖)
(note: at least one more excerpt pending that mentions wrapping a container with aluminum foil to protect the moon light that the water had received. will update this page soon...)

The following are things I intuitively feel or like to do that did not come from the channelings. :)
In this section:
-Blocking external sources of light
-The best time
-What is it good for?
It seems to me that the crystals are "multiplying" the full moon light in the water, and thus, it makes sense for me to try to only capture the full moon light. I like to place my containers with crystals in them in such a way that they receive the maximum amount of full moon light and the minimum amount of other other lights.
In the pictures above, I used a black piece of plastic behind the plastic container and a pillow behind the glass containers to block light that was coming from another house. But you can use cardboard or anything that will stay up the whole time. That's just what I had handy at that time.
I intuitively feel the best time to make the full moon water is during the deep part of the night (no twilights) AND when the full moon is out. The moon rising and setting times do not always correlate with deep night starting and ending times. But luckily the timeanddate website makes it easy to figure out where they both overlap. :)
-Go to this page: https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/@5799610
-Type your city in the "search for city or place" box towards the top to personalize the information for your location.
-Drag the slider across the graphic shown to arrive at your desired start date.
-Make a note of when night starts that evening. In this example,
7:15pm: night begins.

-Drag the slider to arrive at the following day. Make a note of when night ends that morning. In this example,
5:03am: night ends.

-Now lets find when the moon rises and sets. Go to this page: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/@5799610
-If you haven't already done so, type your city in the "search for city or place" box towards the top to personalize the information for your location.
-In the table shown further down the page, find the moonrise and moonset times for your desired dates. In this example,
5:56pm moon rises
7:26am moon sets

This same table in the column all the way to the right shows us how much of the moon is illuminated. Here we notice that the moon is still more than 95% illuminated a couple days prior and after the full moon peaks so I feel these are still good days to make full moon water. :)
Overall, in this example the moon will be out the entire part of the night. So I can place my containers out when night starts and wrap them up a few minutes before night ends. :)
I like to keep the container(s) wrapped with aluminum foil (as mentioned above) to protect the light the water has received. Then I like storing the container(s) in a dark and cool place like inside a cardboard box inside a closet. :) When pouring, I like to dim the room as much as possible.
If full moon water helped purify our house... then I imagine it could help purify other things too...
My friend Cami said she could feel the vibration of the water when she drank it so now I'm even more inspired to drink a little during my daily meditations. 🙏